Carriers Archives - Page 4 of 5 - Freight-Tec

Brokers, Acid Reflux, and Nylon Stockings

Jobs with High Stress can easily help create Acid Reflux Disease.  Clearly, Brokers are in a high stress career and are just as prone to Acid Reflux issues as anybody.  If you don’t have Acid Reflux problems yet, chances are that you will sometime in the future.  What is Acid Reflux Disease?  This is the […]

Retirement Strategy for Freight Brokers

Freight Tec is proud to announce our Retirement Strategy for Freight Brokers. “How do you get the most money out of your freight brokerage when you decide to Retire?  At some point, you will want to retire or leave the business to pursue other opportunities.  How will you do this successfully?  This short article will […]

Interesting Times for Transportation

Transportation systems are very dynamic.  During the last few years the railroads have become more competitive with rapid service from Chicago to Los Angeles in order to out-compete trucking companies.  With this kind of service available, the large trucking companies have put more and more of their freight on the railroads double-stack container trains.  Truckers […]

Shippers Beware!

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a final rule that will eliminate Cargo Insurance requirements for freight forwarders and most motor carriers.  Only household goods carriers will be required by law to maintain Cargo Insurance.  All other motor carriers and freight forwarders will no longer be required to maintain Cargo Insurance as […]

NASTC Best Broker Directory 2010-2011

The National Association of Small Trucking Companies (NASTC) – – recently named Freight Tec in their “Best Broker Directory” for 2010-2011. NASTC screens every one of these brokers by carrier payment policy, history, and recommendations they receive from other NASTC members. “We feel this group of brokers represents the top of the brokerage community […]

Diamond Broker with $100k Bond

Freight Tec carries a significantly higher bond than is currently required by the F.M.C.S.A., and has for quite some time now.  Interesting to note that legislature is currently trying to raise the bond limit to $100k instead of just $10k, under the “Motor Carrier Protection Act of 2010” (S 3483). In the May/June 2010 issue […]

Protecting Carriers from Bad Brokers

Excellent article we wanted to share from Truck’n HotNews, by Utah Trucking Association, June 21 – June 27, 2010 LAWS TO PROTECT CARRIERS FROM BAD BROKERS Senators Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) have introduced the “Motor Carrier Protection Act of 2010” (S 3483), in response to concerns about unscrupulous brokering practices that continually […]

Shippers Giving One Load to Multiple Freight Brokers

What happens when a Shipper gives one load to multiple freight brokers in order to find a truck? Market Distortion, and it’s Expensive for Shippers. An interesting Market Distortion occurs when Shippers call multiple Brokers to move their load(s).  When a Broker receives a call from the Shipper to move a load on a particular […]

Oil Speculation

In January of this year, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission proposed a new rule that would set limits on who can trade futures in the oil market.  The CFTC has rightly determined that the sudden increase of oil contract futures in Mid-2008 was caused by speculators who did not have a “legitimate commercial interest” in […]

Customers Talk, so make sure you do a Great Job.

Each of us are reminded daily that Customers Talk.  If you do a great job, or a poor job, your customers will tell you – but probably won’t tell you to your face.  They’ll tell you, by telling others. Here is an excellent quote from Jeffrey Gitomer: Customers talk…to their associates, friends, and neighbors. Here […]