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Agents Liable for Customer Bad Debt?
Should Agents be 100% liable for their customer’s Bad Debts? Imagine one of your largest customers going belly up… and they owe you and your Broker company $50,000.00… You soon learn there is no hope of collecting any of the money owed… Who should pay for that bad debt? It should be split the same way […]
Shippers Can’t Be Too Careful in Qualifying Carriers
This is a True Story. A carrier calls our office to book a load we had shared with our network. We start our Carrier Qualification Process and find out that the Carrier wants to use an owner-operator. We advised the Carrier that we needed to see their federal operating authority, Certificate of Insurance, W-9, and […]
Watch for Red-Flags and Avoid Cargo Theft
“The FBI estimates the loss value of Cargo Theft at roughly $30 Billion dollars a year. Don’t think that effects you as an every-day consumer? Think again. That $30 Billion loss causes retail business everywhere to mark-up their products an additional 20% for consumers! … And that’s on items you buy everyday! Electronics, food and clothing were the top three commodities stolen in 2010. […]
CSA 2010 Opinions – The Good and the Bad
Our position in the industry allows us to hear opinions from highly qualified and reputable people about CSA 2010. Both the good and the bad. Here’s a brief list of the top 3 opinions we’re hearing – First, the Good: CSA 2010 is a much better product today than it was a year ago. Many modifications have been made […]
Interesting Times for Transportation
Transportation systems are very dynamic. During the last few years the railroads have become more competitive with rapid service from Chicago to Los Angeles in order to out-compete trucking companies. With this kind of service available, the large trucking companies have put more and more of their freight on the railroads double-stack container trains. Truckers […]
Shippers Beware!
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a final rule that will eliminate Cargo Insurance requirements for freight forwarders and most motor carriers. Only household goods carriers will be required by law to maintain Cargo Insurance. All other motor carriers and freight forwarders will no longer be required to maintain Cargo Insurance as […]
Diamond Broker with $100k Bond
Freight Tec carries a significantly higher bond than is currently required by the F.M.C.S.A., and has for quite some time now. Interesting to note that legislature is currently trying to raise the bond limit to $100k instead of just $10k, under the “Motor Carrier Protection Act of 2010” (S 3483). In the May/June 2010 issue […]
Oil Speculation
In January of this year, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission proposed a new rule that would set limits on who can trade futures in the oil market. The CFTC has rightly determined that the sudden increase of oil contract futures in Mid-2008 was caused by speculators who did not have a “legitimate commercial interest” in […]
Valuable Freight Updates by Email
Stay current with valuable updates – simply by checking your email. A great way to stay up-to-date on the transportation industry is by subscribing to Freight Tec’s Email Updates. You’ll automatically get valuable updates from our blog delivered right to your Inbox. Technology can be a great asset to your business. Take advantage of this […]