Customers Talk, so make sure you do a Great Job. - Freight-Tec

Freight Tec News

Customers Talk, so make sure you do a Great Job.

Each of us are reminded daily that Customers Talk.  If you do a great job, or a poor job, your customers will tell you – but probably won’t tell you to your face.  They’ll tell you, by telling others.

Here is an excellent quote from Jeffrey Gitomer:

Customers talk…to their associates, friends, and neighbors. Here is the number of people they will talk to based upon how well you handle their complaint.

3 if you do a good job
10 if you do a great job
25 if you do a bad job
50 if you get into an argument


How are your customers talking about you?

– Jeffrey Gitomer, Customer Satisfaction is Worthless Customer Loyalty is Priceless

Freight Tec strives for excellent service, 100% of the time.  That is what keeps our customers coming back, and provides new business opportunities from referrals.

Make sure you’re Always Doing a Great Job, and you’ll build your business.

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