Go team!
Watching the local high school baseball team play this year has been fun! ⚾️️ This is the third year Freight Tec has sponsored a banner to support the team!🚩 Can’t wait for baseball season next year!👏 #goteam #freightagent #freighttec #freightbroker #bestagentprogram #freightbrokerage
Fraud Conference in Chicago
📍Cassandra Gaines and her team put on a fantastic conference in Chicago last week. The conference was FULL of valuable content! Always great mingling with others in our industry. #ogattendee #carrierassure #fightfraud
Agents at Freight Tec are treated right!
Agents at Freight Tec are treated right! 🙌 #bestagentprogam #freightbroker #freighttec #agentprogram #freightbrokerage
We believe Agents should work in a positive environment!
We believe Agents should be able to work in a positive environment! 🤝🏢 #bestagentprogram #freightbroker #freighttec #agentprogram #freightbrokerage
Agents at Freight Tec…
Agents at Freight Tec make the lion’s share of margins! 💵 #bestagentprogram #freightbroker #freighttec #agentprogram #freightbrokerage
Grow Your Business!
We’ve helped our Agents grow 2x, 3x and 5x in a short period of time – we can do the same for you! 💰 #bestagentprogram #freighttec #freightagent #freightbroker #agentprogram #freightbrokerage
Thank a Trucker!
We want to give a huge THANK YOU to our Carriers! 🚚 🚛 It’s National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, and we want to encourage everyone to thank these professional truck drivers who work tirelessly to deliver America’s goods! 💪 #thankatrucker #NTDAW23 #nationaltruckdriverappreciationweek #freighttec #freightagent #freightbroker #bestagentprogram #freightbrokerage
Why Agents Choose Freight Tec
Why are Agents choosing Freight Tec? 🤝 #bestagentprogram #freightbrokerage #freighttec #agentprogram #freightbroker
We encourage our Agents!
Be sure to select a credible brokerage that will encourage your success instead of working against you. 💪🤝 🙌 #bestagentprogram #freighttec #freightbroker #agentprogram #freightbrokerage
Summer Movie Party

Last week we had our Annual Home Office Summer Party at the movies to watch the new Mission Impossible movie! We have the best team and loved getting time together and having the movie theatre all to ourselves!