If the Shipper gives notice to ALL parties (the broker and/or the carrier) that if the load misses its appointment time that there will be penalties assessed of $____ per day or $____ hour UP FRONT (notice of “foreseeable damages”) prior to the truck even being dispatched, and ALL parties agree to these terms, then the Shipper can collect for delay charges. This notice must be in writing, and should require signatures. This falls under the “just in time” concept that the auto manufacturers use, and they pay a Premium for this guaranteed service. If you negotiate something like this with your Provider, expect to pay a premium for this type of service. Use a company that is large and financially stable enough to execute this high level service. If you use a smaller provider who has their truck break down, they may not have the ability to fix the truck fast enough to make the appointment, and they may not have the resources to pay for all the penalites from the delay. At best, your freight could sit for hours or days while you try to find another provider to move the load. Use a large, stable provider with the financial ability to support a broken down truck quickly – or any other type of delay that could cost YOU money.
Agent Commissions should be UNCAPPED
We believe Agent commissions should be UNCAPPED! 💰 #bestagentprogram #freightbrokerage #freighttec #agentprogram #freightbroker