Summer Movie Party
Last week we had our Annual Home Office Summer Party at the movies to watch the new Mission Impossible movie! We have the best team and loved getting time together and having the movie theatre all to ourselves!
Agents get treated Right!
Freight Tec backs up their Agents with insurance & bonds when they join Freight Tec! 🤝 #bestagentprogram #freighttec #freightbrokerage #agentprogram #freightbroker
Good Morning!
Good morning! ☀️ Share your morning view and what you’re making happen this week! This view is from Jeff Graves, CTB‘s office here in our headquarter office in Bountiful, Utah! #goodmorning #bestagentprogram #freighttec #freightbroker #agentprogram #freightbrokerage
Our Agent, Rachelle
Freight Tec is pleased to announce one of its Agents has joined CHIEF. Freight Tec is proud of who Rachelle is and how she represents herself and Freight Tec in serving Customers. CHIEF is lucky to have gained Rachelle in their organization! #bestagentprogram #frieghttec #freightbrokerage #agentprogram #freightbroker
We get the right results – the right way!
We get the right results – the right way! 🙌 We strive to be the best at what we do by prioritizing our work with purpose and urgency. #corevalues #bestagentprogram #freighttec #freightbroker #agentprogram #freightbrokerage
Why Agents come to Freight Tec!
Why are freight Agents are coming to Freight Tec? 🤝 #bestagentprogram #freighttec #freightbroker #freightagent #freightbrokerage
Freight Tec covers their Agents!
Freight Tec has their Agent’s backs with FAST Carrier setup, Customer setup, Contract signings, TMS, training, support, you get paid weekly, and work with GREAT people who care about you! 🙂 #bestagentprogram #bestbackoffice #happycustomers #freighttec #freightbroker #freightbrokerage #agentprogram
Red Barn Farms walk/race!
A few weeks ago Freight Tec was a sponsor for a 3.5 mile race/walk for the Red Barn Farms! 💪 The trail was scenic and the company was a blast! Red Barn Farms reinvents lives broken from addiction and crime by teaching honesty, accountability and integrity in a farm setting. #redbarnfarms #nonprofit #secondyearsponsor #tradition #bestemployees […]
We’ve got all the hats covered for you!
Agents at Freight Tec don’t have to wear all these hats & more – we’ve got it all covered for you! 🧢 #bestagentprogram #freighttec #freightbroker #agentprgram #freightbrokerage
Keep the business you’ve earned!
Agents never have to worry about their customers being taken away from them and given to an in-house brokerage at Freight Tec! 📝 #bestagentprogram #nointernalbrokerage #freighttec #freightbroker #agentprogram #freightbrokerage #keepthebusinessyouhaveearned #since1997