Our position in the industry allows us to hear opinions from highly qualified and reputable people about CSA 2010. Both the good and the bad.
Here’s a brief list of the top 3 opinions we’re hearing –
First, the Good:
- CSA 2010 is a much better product today than it was a year ago. Many modifications have been made after extensive work and feedback from states and carriers testing it out.
- Every violation in detail is now brought to your attention and scored – unlike the old SAFER system.
- Seeing deficiencies are shocking at first, but you need to view them as an indicator of the need for changes in behavior – take advantage of the information provided and use it to improve.
Second, the Bad:
- Even no-fault or non-preventable accidents will get count against your score.
- Some think severe points should not be accessed to certain aspects that would in no way contribute to the cause of an accident. As it stands now, you can get written up and have points added to your score because of minor infractions.
- CSA 2010 is turning out to be CSA 2011 … or some speculate even later before it is fully implemented. Many people (on a state level) need to be trained – Highway Patrol, Inspectors, local FMCSA personnel, etc. This may end up as the new “CSA” system and drop the 2010 reference altogether.
We welcome your thoughts and opinions as well –
What have you heard or what do you know about CSA 2010?
Leave us a comment and let us know!