As an Agency Owner, Why Would I Want to Transition to Freight Tec? - Freight-Tec

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As an Agency Owner, Why Would I Want to Transition to Freight Tec?

For many, owning a business is the end goal. It’s means you’ve “made it.” It’s a sign of independence and a bright future. However, for those who own a freight broker agency, challenges often are just as plentiful as benefits.

Life as a freight agency owner usually entails incredibly long days, rampant uncertainty and a huge list of tasks to complete — each and every day.

The challenges are vast, but with Freight Tec, so are the opportunities. Here are some of the reasons why Freight Tec is an excellent transition brokerage for freight agency owners:


Unfortunately, owners of small freight agencies are at the mercy of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s decisions — and some of those decisions are very expensive. Notably, in 2013 the FMCSA upped the mandatory freight broker bond level from $10,000 to $75,000.

Many excellent freight agency owners went out of business because they couldn’t afford the new requirement. Freight goes to bat for its independent agents by providing a 100,000 broker bond and 100,000 military bond, along with claims processing.


In freight, keeping up with the Joneses also means keeping with the latest technology tools — especially software. Platforms that help provide even a small competitive advantage can prove incredibly important.

Freight Tec pays for agents to have access to free tools including a state-of-the-art, web-based Transportation Management System.

Administrative Support

Freight agency owners wear many, many hats: collection follow-up, carrier approval and setup, credit checks, payables and receivables, and more. For instance, keeping track of federally mandated records such as proof of compensation and shipper/carrier information chews up significant man-hours.

It’s this day-in, day-out administrative work that hinders what agents naturally do best, whether that be sales, stewardship of relationships with carriers and shippers, or even just “big idea” brainstorming.

Freight Tec handles the aforementioned tasks — and more — with its heavily experienced back-office team, which frees agents up to pour more time and energy into growing their business with both digital and in-person interactions.


Even if you’re the smartest, most effective freight broker who ever lived, establishing credibility in the market will be very difficult. Like in many industries, perception is reality in the world of freight — and who you know often shapes that perception.

While personal credibility is essential, Freight Tec is able to support tis independent agents in this regard by providing institutional credibility. Freight Tec’s many accolades and certifications within the industry include:

  •    Ranked in the top 100 of all freight brokerages nationwide (Inc. Magazine)
  •    A Performance-Certified member of TIA
  •    A “Best Broker” member of NASTC

Learn About Becoming an Independent Freight Agent

Learn more how freight agency owners are reaping the benefits of becoming independent freight agents here.

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