Driving Truck and Getting Back Home to Family

One of the very top values at Freight Tec is Family. We believe in trying to find a different load for a Carrier, who wants to be home for the weekend to spend time with his family…  Taking care of some of the extra headaches for a Shipping Manager so he can spend more time […]

Take a Ride In a Self-Driving Semi

The automated, driverless vehicle is something we keep hearing more and more about. They could potentially remove the human error factor in driving, it could save a lot of lives. But it’s expensive, and not everyone is going to want to give up control of their vehicles. But you have to admit, there’s something fascinating […]

Is the Future of Freight Underground?

A company in the UK called Mole Solutions thinks so. They’ve designed pods, that would travel underground to deliver goods currently hauled by trucks. They travel via a computer controlled smart track, using electromagnets. The company claims they could ship goods for 20% the cost of road shipping. But is it feasible? Laying that much pipeline […]

TED Talk: How to Make Work-Life Balance Work

Nigel Marsh, thinks work-life balance is too important to be left in the hands of your employer. He lays out his “ideal” day, working, taking time for himself, his wife, his kids, the dog, and friends. Nigel quickly realizes that ideal is just not possible. He stresses the importance of not falling into the trap of “I’ll do […]

The Death of the 8 Hour Workday?

Do you work 8 hours straight? Do you often work through your lunch? You may think that you’re a better worker for these habits, but, studies say you’re doing it wrong. They say the 8 hour workday is inefficient and outdated. Entrepreneur says: “The 8-hour workday was created during the industrial revolution as an effort […]

Enraged Driver Cuts off Semi-Truck!

In an moment of, what we can only call road rage inspired insanity, a motorist in Salt Lake City became enraged when a semi-truck changed lanes in front of their car. Instead of simply slowing down and giving the truck room, they decided to get “revenge” on the truck driver. The small red car passed […]

Why Do We Celebrate “President’s Day”?

It seems like most of the buzz around President’s Day has little to do with Presidents. It’s all about big sales, or taking off for a 3-day weekend. But where did the holiday come from? What exactly or who exactly are we celebrating? A surprising amount of American’s don’t know much about the holiday. We bet […]